Dublin, 18 November 2022. This is the day we have chosen to meet as RemotEU colleagues to review the status of the project and plan the next actions. It was in May when we first talked about this initiative and this time we have made a lot of progress, which we will tell you about below.
RemotEU is a project dedicated to the study of legal models of telework within the European Union in order to promote the creation of legislation to regulate remote working. . It was born in the wake of the pandemic, when many workers considered teleworking from a country other than the one in which their company was located and many other professionals became interested in digital nomadism. The interest among the community of participating organisations led us to present this project and try to respond to the different realities that we have encountered.
The first part of the project has been the research part, donde a partir existing legislation and field work with workers, companies and public administrations, we have learnt what is happening at European level in relation to remote work. The result of this research, in June we published on the web what we have called the Wikipedia of Telework, a space with 75 articles with information of interest on teleworking that addresses both fiscal, labour and administrative issues, as well as advice and recommendations for companies and workers.

Following this phase of analysis and drafting, we are preparing a webinar to be held in the coming months to present this information and answer your questions. The date of this meeting is still to be determined, but if you are interested and want to participate, you can fill in our contact form. Together with this webinar we will elaborate a self-assessment questionnaire, also available from the web, where those people interested in teleworking will be able to expand their knowledge on this subject.
At the end of the project, we will produce a report containing all the information and, most importantly, a set of recommendations to the European institutions for the creation of a single set of rules to meet the needs of companies and workers across Europe.
Here is a picture of the meeting.