Teleworking for people with disabilities


When talking about teleworking, people with disabilities may sometimes not be taken into consideration, but the truth is that this type of work can promote the integration of these professionals. However, in order to make this possible, sometimes the company needs to make small changes in order to adapt the workplace. Physical changes, such as the layout of the workplace for people in wheelchairs, for example, or changes in the use of certain online tools with the necessary level of accessibility.

For people with disabilities, the possibility of teleworking from home helps them to reduce commuting times, especially for those with reduced mobility who have problems accessing certain public or private spaces.

In case of people with health problems, cognitive difficulties or similar, teleworking helps them to rest and disconnect when they need to, which improves their physical condition and performance.

For deaf people, holding online meetings can be very beneficial for their understanding, because some softwares allows real-time captioning and speaking turns are more structured, so there is no cross talk. Moreover, it is possible to include an interpreter in the conversation, making it even easier for them to participate.

Furthermore, it is interesting to note that teleworking, when carried out through different technologies, helps people with disabilities to become empowered and improve their confidence when using these technologies, which will help them not only in their work performance, but also in their personal lives.

Organisations such as Inserta in Spain work to promote the hiring of people with disabilities by helping companies to understand the conditions of these professionals and to adapt their organisation to ensure their integration.

For more information on teleworking for people with disabilities, please consult the Adecco Foundation's study Technology and Disability Report 2022.